• Co-founders : Sangeetha Arunachalam and Jay Thattai
  • Starring: Sangeetha Arunachalam, Sripadma Ganapathi, Harini Kannan and Mohana. Sung by Divyaprasad, music and arrangements by Ashwath.

Wake Up Creations presents a prayer song to sing along. This is a video song to inspire mothers to get back to building a new career and financial independence after childbirth through the initiative called Kadaiveedhi, a fully managed marketplace run by mums worldwide.

This video production is a musical choreographed with bharatanatyam, mohini aatam, Kathak and free style dance set to a fusion music.

The musical comes out with a strong message for women struggling to get back to back and be financially independent after childbirth by becoming a mompreneur with the support of Kadaiveedhi.

Why support women entrepreneurs?

This is a again a global problem. There aren't enough number of women entrepreneurs, globally in comparison to men in business. And those women that started off on their own are not able to sustain and close down eventually.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to create a global marketplace for mums worldwide where they can sell products, services and events locally and internationally. This will be a fully managed omnichannel initiative offering technology, skill, innovation, marketing and advertisement to promote moms and mompreneurs globally.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to grow this network of mompreneurs globally with the support of local and national governments to help create sustainable careers and financial independence whilst managing their family, social life, kitchen and gardens.

Our Achievement

We started with two women signing up way back in 2013 and now this is a group of 50k+ smart mommies inspired by Kadaiveedhi. We have launched various Innovations like a Kadaiveedhi cart on wheels selling mom made products on streets, Kadaiveedhi retail shelf to encourage retailers to promote local mompreneurs. We are planning for electric three wheelers to promote shopping on wheels across the city.

Our Landmark Achievements

Kadaiveedhi conducts regular face to face expos for general public, corporate & banks to promote mom entrepreneurs. Kadaiveedhi launched their push cart and now are currently working on e-vehicles & vending machines too. Watch this space for interesting updates.
